Big Game Hunting in Colorado Units 61 & 62
Experience Colorado’s Uncompahgre Plateau
Experience world-class elk hunting on western Colorado’s renowned Uncompahgre Plateau (pronounced "un-come-PAH-gray"). Based out of Dark Timber Lodge, we hunt 100% public land on National Forest and BLM grounds in game management units 61 and 62. Whether you’re a first-time hunter or a veteran of elk country, our goal is to provide outstanding service and deliver a memorable, high-quality hunting experience.
We believe in what we do, we love what we do and we can’t wait to share that passion with you.
“I was blessed to draw a 1st rifle elk tag for unit 62. I was super nervous and excited at the same time. My guide Todd was awesome during my first elk hunt. We spent long days in the woods, from dark to dark. I started to understand how to hunt elk and how much effort it really takes. On day two, I finally saw and successfully harvested my first bull elk. It was more than just shooting an elk. It was an experience and it was unforgettable. Todd taught me how to skin and quarter the elk and pack it in game bags. Packing it out, sweating, pain, it was all a blessing. It was a lot of hard work, but I felt proud to have accomplished something so tough.”
— Colton C., California
Let’s Plan Your Adventure
Join us on a hunting trip in western Colorado!